The debate over special status-special package has been the biggest subject of discussion in both Telugu speaking states, particularly Andhra Pradesh. What followed announcement of Finance minister Arun Jaitley on 7th September was severe backlash by all quarters of AP people and it was majorly aimed at Union Minister for urban development and senior BJP leader Venkaiah Naidu. Although FM claims special status can’t be implemented as advised by 14th planning commission, it is Naidu now taking all strikes for denial of special status by center.
To clarify over how special package will assist AP, Venkaiah Naidu took to media and answered it in the affirmative. “We’re committed for development of Andhra Pradesh and special status won’t fetch results as effective as special package. No state, including Assam, Himachal Pradesh et al, which was provided special status has been benefitted big with special status. The union-declared special package worth 2.25 lakh crore is larger than status in terms of financial assistance including Polavaram project, explains Naidu.
“Even though I wasn’t part of AP, I responsibly fought for Telugu people during the passage of AP-reorganization bill in 2014,” clarifies the senior BJP leader adding that he won’t take such criticisms into account and continue to fight for both AP and Telangana. Apart for commending chief minister Chandrababu Naidu for the role he’s been playing, Venkaiah Naidu also merited BJP-high command, PM Narendra Modi and FM Jaitley for conceding his repetitive attempts to aid Andhra Pradesh.
On other hand, BJP leadership directs state members to promote financial assistance and explain party’s commitment for AP people on grounds. Voicing out BJP’s development speed, he tells “Though depreciation allowance is intended to provide in 10 years, we are pushing ourselves to finish by next 2-3 years.”
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