After the demise of Tamil Nadu former CM Jayalalitha, there is an utter chaos in Tamil politics. Finally, a resolution has been passed few minutes back by AIADMK party members approving Sasikala Natarajan as party’s General Secretary. From now on, AIADMK will work under the leadership of Sasikala Natarajan.
Given the close association between Amma and Chinannamma, this was an expected move because Sasikala was the key person behind many decisions taken behind the screen from Poes garden.
Reports from Chennai say that, party passed total of 12 resolutions today in the presence of CM Paneerselvam. Among the 12, it’s the fifth resolution mentions Sasikala as the secretary. She will be formally elected as General Secretary only after completing 5 years as party member. Resolutions are also passed demanding Nobel Prize for World Peace, Magsaysay Award and Bharat Ratna for Amma.
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