Recently, the High Court of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana has passed an order permanently banning cockfights in the two Telugu states and directed the governments of both the states to strictly implement its rule starting from this Sankranthi.
Needless to say, HC’s new ruling has irked hundreds of cockfight gamblers and enthusiasts, who took to the streets today to protest in Veeravasaram, West Godavari district. A large number of protesters vowed to defy HC’s rule and organize cockfights during this festive season.
Ever since the HC’s latest judgement following a petition from an animal welfare activist, police have been taking strict action against those organizing cockfights in the twin Godavari districts, and the coming days are going to be even tougher for these gamblers.
However, the gamblers vowed to organize cockfights with the help of local politicians, who themselves set up rings and tents for the cockfights every year. On the other hand, gamblers’ audacity in openly vowing to break the law is leaving everyone in dismay.
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