Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao broke down while paying floral tribute to Telangana Advisor ( irrigation) R Vidyasgar Rao who passed away on Saturday. The chief minister visited the body and condoled the death at the residence. He was seen in deep emotion during consoling the family members of Rao.
KCR recalled Rao’s service to TRS party during Telangana movement and also the TS- government. “The way Rao waged a battle over the cheating and injustice done to the Telangana region in water and in Irrigation was unique and unparalleled,” KCR said his vast experience in the irrigation field had immensely helped the T State after its formation in re-designing the irrigation projects.
“It is unfortunate that Rao has left us midway when we are realising the dream of giving water to one crore acres in the State. The irrigation expert was not only a good friend to him, but also an elder brother and member of his family,” the CM said and conveyed his heartfelt condolences to the members of the bereaved.
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