As the ruling party of Andhra Pradesh TDP and opposition YSR Congress continue to confront each other over various issues everyday, the 2019 poll battle looks quite interesting. On other hand, two PKs are expected to play bigger role in the coming elections – 1. Jana Sena founder and actor Pawan Kalyan and 2. Political strategist Prashant Kishore (PK) who is designing a master plan for Jagan Mohan Reddy.
But, a recent survey by VDP Associates reveals that both Jagan and Pawan would fail to Babu-led TDP in coming polls. Sadly, the Jana Sena party will be able to cash just 3percent of vote share if elections are held today – as per survey. Although Pawan carry huge popularity in AP, he would not be in a position to cash it into votes – because of the fact that Jana Sena is a new political party, it has got no big strength and Pawan Kalyan is the only face of party so far.
However, with his occasional tweets and rare visits to press, the actor-cum-politico is trying to make sure that Jana Sena stays with the people. Although his major target is youth of Andhra, existing leaders of other parties, particularly Kapu community, are very keen to join him.
On other hand, Jagan Reddy backed by Political strategist Prashant Kishore may again stick to opposition, says the survey result. It is believed that Jagan is already floating the strategies of Prashant, who failed with his guidance for Congress in UP elections, but he may not be able to achieve what is attempting for.
However, the poll-bound verbal offensive has kicked off between TDP and YSRCP and it’s heating up the political temperature in state.
As the ruling party of Andhra Pradesh TDP and opposition YSR Congress continue to confront each other over various issues everyday, the 2019 poll battle looks quite interesting. On other hand, two PKs are expected to play bigger role in the coming elections – 1. Jana Sena founder and actor Pawan Kalyan and 2. Political strategist Prashant Kishore (PK) who is designing a master plan for Jagan Mohan Reddy.
But, a recent survey by VDP Associates reveals that both Jagan and Pawan would fail to Babu-led TDP in coming polls. Sadly, the Jana Sena party will be able to cash just 3percent of vote share if elections are held today – as per survey. Although Pawan carry huge popularity in AP, he would not be in a position to cash it into votes – because of the fact that Jana Sena is a new political party, it has got no big strength and Pawan Kalyan is the only face of party so far. However, with his occasional tweets and rare visits to press, the actor-cum-politico is trying to make sure that Jana Sena stays with the people.
Although his major target is youth of Andhra, existing leaders of other parties, particularly Kapu community, are very keen to join him. On other hand, Jagan Reddy backed by Political strategist Prashant Kishore may again stick to opposition, says the survey result. It is believed that Jagan is already floating the strategies of Prashant, who failed with his guidance for Congress in UP elections, but he may not be able to achieve what is attempting for. However, the poll-bound verbal offensive has kicked off between TDP and YSRCP and it’s heating up the political temperature in state.
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