After a lot of hurdles and hiccups, Naga Chaitanya’s ‘Saahasame Swaaasaga Saagipo’ completed its shooting. The audio of the film was unveiled recently and songs ‘Taanu Nenu’, ‘Vellipomakey’ and ‘Chakori’ became instant chartbusters among youth. But troubles did not leave the film till now.
The recent problem is with the release date. Earlier, they planned the release on July 1st but due to ‘Kabali’, they shifted the date to 15th. Now, as ‘Kabali’ is expected to hit the screens on 15th, makers of ‘SSS’ thought of postponing the film further. But, Venkatesh’s ‘Babu Bangaram’ is going to release on 29thJune. After that, NTR’s ‘Janatha Garage’ will out on August 12th and even Chaitu’s own film ‘Premam’ is in the list.
With a series of crazy films lined up, Gautham Menon-Chaitanya’s ‘SSS’ is not able to find the right space to get released. We need to wait and see what happens further.
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