As per Kollywood grapevine, Tamil Superstar Dhanush is interested in the character ‘Surya’ played by Naga Shaurya in the upcoming telugu film OKA MANASU directed by Rama Raju and produced by Madhura Sreedhar.
Sources say that one of the close friends of Dhanush in chennai, gave the feedback on mindblowing characterisation of ‘Surya’ character played by Naga Shaurya in OKA MANASU.
The character does land settlements and wants to become MLA and falls in love with a medico, which is played by Mega girl Niharika Konidela.
After listening to the story, Dhanush wanted to watch the movie in Chennai in one of the multiplexes on 24th June.
It’s really good news to the makers of Oka Manasu that a telugu movie is being discussed before it’s release.
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