It’s almost confirmed. Harish Shankar is going to direct Allu Arjun. The Gabbar Singh director and Sarrainodu star who’re in good form would soon join forces. The yet-to-be-titled film will be bankrolled by Dil Raju. “The discussions have been going on for sometime now. Finally, Allu Arjun given his nod,” divulged a source in the know. An official confirmation regarding the same is awaited.
After blockbuster success of Sarrainodu, Arjun would be seen in yet another mass, commercial film. Harish is known for hero-elevation and he did it well in Gabbar Singh which brought Pawan to limelight again.
Though the names of Lingusamy, Vikram Kumar were doing the rounds, Arjun chosen Harish Shankar for his immediate film. The combo is certainly raising curiosity in film, trade circles. Looks like, Arjun is eyeing more mass movies.
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