The makers of Pawan Kalyan’s next have already announced that Tamil Star director SJ Suryah will be replaced by Gopala Gopala fame Dolly as the director of the film. The pre-production of the film is going on at brisk pace and the movie will start rolling from July end. Pawan Kalyan fans are very much relieved with this announcement.
Pawan Kalyan will be sporting a new look and hair style for the film. To finalize the look of the actor in the film, a look test is being performed on the actor right now. The makers confirmed that it is a love story of a factionist. Kadapa King is the title in rumours for this new project but there is no official word.
And then there are rumours that the movie is also loosely based on Ajith’s Tamil blockbuster film, Veeram. Powerstar was seen in a white Lungi and with grey hair at the launch event. It was very similar to Ajith’s getup in Veeram. The rest of the crew of the film remains same. The heroine in the project is not confirmed yet.
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