Akkineni Nagarjuna has recently made some interesting comments while giving a speech at the audio launch of the film Nirmala Convent. Speaking at the audio launch event, the actor has said that he is going to take clever steps for both sons’ careers. Nagarjuna announced that he is going to produce films with sons. One would be with Naga Chaitanya to be directed by Kalyan Krishna while the other one would be with Akhil in the direction of Vikram Kumar. Nagarjuna said that this would be a re-launch for Akhil.
This re-launch comment has become a hot topic in the film industry. The buzz reveals that a grand event is being planned for this relaunch. If this happens, it is certainly an indirect insult to all those who worked for the debut film of Akhil and especially an insult for the director V V Vinayak. Also, there is a talk that if this second film becomes a failure product, Nagarjuna had to relaunch Akhil again for a success which is nothing but creating a negative image for Akhil.
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