While many top heroines failed to make their mark in Bollywood, actress Taapsee Pannu who didn’t get much recognition down south is making waves in the B-Town. She was part of few successful films there is waiting for the release of Pink that stars Amitabh Bachchan.It is a known fact that, director Neeraj Pandey is making prequel to his super hit film Baby that starred Akshay Kumar and Taapsee Pannu in lead roles. Interestingly, Taapsee is the protagonist in the prequel, but not Akshay Kumar. The film titled Meera traces back-story of Taapsee.
Taapsee is undergoing rigorous training to learn two new forms of martial arts for Meera. She is reportedly offered an action-packed role, with a secret mission of her own. While Taapsee is seen promoting Pink in daytime, she is spending her evenings training hard for the action sequences of Meera.
Apparently, Taapsee is making efforts to become a star heroine in Bollywood. Interim, her upcoming film Pink which is directed by Aniruddha Roy Chowdhury is due for release on September 16th. There is lot of buzz surrounding the project, ever since its trailer was released.
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