Upcoming Telugu film Rakshaka Bhatudu has grabbed a few eyeballs and turned heads as the film’s first look poster surprised by not revealing the hero’s face. While the protagonist was seen wearing a khaki, the makers have categorically hided the actor’s face. While it’s said that it’s a popular hero, not revealing his face has left many amused. Many thought that the makers would reveal it in the second look or with its trailer.
But latest we hear is that the makers have now decided not to reveal the hero’s face. This come as a really shocker. Yet the makers said to have made up their mind that they aren’t going to reveal the identity of the actor till the film hit the theatres. A special care has been taken such that the identity of well-known hero won’t be leaked. When even small secrets, suspense related to a movie couldn’t be hold given diverse media presence, it’s really challenging how the makers would keep the hero’s name under the wraps.
Vamsi Krishna, whose last film was with Sunil’s Jakkanna, is wielding the megaphone. Although Jakkanna received mixed reviews, it said to have raked in moolah. Vamsi is now planning to release the film in April before Baahubali 2 release i.e for April 7th or April 14th. Let’s wait and see what’s in the store for Vamsi and who is this hiding hero is.
The post Hero’s Face To Be Revealed Only With Release appeared first on telugu9pm.com.
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