Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra who broke the jinx of ‘Indian actresses not capable enough to make it big in Hollywood’, has now been voted the 2nd Most Beautiful Woman in the world. Pop icon Beyonce was ranked the most beautiful woman.
In a poll conducted by website Buzznet, Priyanka has trumped the likes of Angelina Jolie, Emma Watson, Emma Stone, Gigi Hadid and several other top hotties to clinch the second position.
Chopra has made some smart career moves to get these rare honors which were not achieved by any Indian starlet earlier. Realizing that Bollywood won’t offer her much exciting work post-30, she has wisely moved to the Hollywood. Her rose to fame started as a pop singer. Her singles – In My City and Exotic were reasonably well received.
Later, she made her debut on American TV with ‘Quantico’. In two years of her television career, Priyanka has been awarded the Best Actor trophy twice at the People’s Choice Awards. Her next stop is silver screen, she is currently awaiting the release of her Hollywood debut film ‘Baywatch’, which is scheduled to hit screens on May 26.
Priyanka is confident that Baywatch will take her stardom to new level.
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