Stylish Star Allu Arjun has been on a break from the past couple of months and he has been preparing himself for the role of his next film which has been titled Na Peru Surya. Vakkantham Vamsi is all set for his directorial debut with the movie which has been launched officially. The first schedule of the movie has been wrapped up recently and Allu Arjun is being trained under the supervision of a US based physical trainer.
The next schedule of Na Peru Surya will start from August 18th and Allu Arjun will join the sets in this schedule which will last till September 2nd. Anu Emmanuel is the female lead and Sarath Kumar, Arjun will be seen in other pivotal roles. Vishal – Sekhar are composing the tunes for Na Peru Surya which is being planned on a massive budget.
Lagadapati Sreedhar, Naga Babu and Bunny Vaas are bankrolling Na Peru Surya which has been announced for April 27th release next year.
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