After eliminating two contestants Kathi Mahesh, Kalpana (double dhamaka), Bigg Boss Telugu turned more interesting as it got young hero as its wild card entry. It is none other than Navdeep. Navdeep made a stunning entry into the Big house on Sunday riding a bullet.
Navdeep is now expected to give run for money for his peers Prince, Adarsh who are being projected as strong contenders in the first season. It needs to be seen how the dynamics of the house are going to change in the coming days.
Since Mumaith Khan has been asking for a guy (single, unmarried) in 30s from longtime, looks like Navdeep’s entry is expected to trigger new bonds, interesting fodder for gossip-mongers.
Also it has to be seen how Archana, Deeksha are also going to receive Navdeep in the house.
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