Tamil Nadu government has announced Rs 2 crores cash reward for Mariyappan Thangavelu who won gold medal in high jump at Paralympics in Rio. Mariyappan hails from Periavadagampatti, Salem district in Tamil Nadu.Tamil Nadu chief minister Jayalalithaa has all praises for Mariyappan for the achievement. ‘By leaping over a height of 1.89 meters, you have leapt into history and done both the Nation and the State of Tamil Nadu proud,” wrote Jayalalithaa in her letter.
Jayalalithaa said Mariyappan’s achievement and overcoming several obstacles and hurdles will inspire more children and youth to overcome hardships and to participate and strive for greater achievements.Thangavelu’s gold is only India’s third in Paralympics history. Earlier, swimmer Murlikant Petkar won gold in the 1972 Games and Javelin thrower Devendra Jhajharia had won gold in Athens 2004.
India has sent largest-ever delegation of 19 for a Paralympic Games, currently has two medals – gold and bronze. Thangavelu’s compatriot Varun Singh Bhati produced his personal best mark of 1.86 metres to win the bronze medal behind American Sam Grewe, who won silver medal.
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