Former Miss India Aditi Arya had an impressive debut with Kalyanram’s ISM which has been helmed by Puri Jagannadh. Unfortunately the film ended up as a debacle after which Aditi Arya had to struggle for opportunities.
After a year, the actress signed her Telugu film which is currently under shoot. The film is directed by Sriram and Aditi Arya will be seen as a software professional in the film. The actress revealed that the entire plot revolves around her character and she is quite excited about the movie. Havish of Nuvvila nad is the lead actor in the movie which is bankrolled by popular director Ramesh Varma. The movie’s shoot is currently going on in and around Hyderabad.
It is heard that Havish and co have paid nearly 1 crore to bring this heroine and its a shocker as to why such a big payment is made. She neither proved with acting, nor with glamour, but why 1 crore?
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