Malayalam beauty Anu Emmanuel made her debut in Tollywood with Majnu after which she got busy with interesting films. The actress is shooting for Pawan Kalyan’s next in the direction of Trivikram.
She will be seen as Pawan’s associate in the film and she will be shedding out her glamorous looks for the first time in her career with the film. This dusky actress is in plans to make it big with Pawan’s film and her character has enough screen presence.
Anu Emmanuel recently posed for the magazine Red which is the hottest outing of the actress till date. Stepping out from traditional attire, Anu Emmanuel has been spotted in modern outfits which is now trending all over.
The actress is said to have getting interesting offers now and she started shooting for Allu Arjun’s next movie Na Peru Surya in the direction of Vakkantham Vamsi recently. The movie has been aimed for summer release next year.
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